In this project our aims are to improve teachers,students digital competences and make them ready and successful in both distance and hybrid ecucation.We also want to decrease the social discrimination and exclusion risk .
Our project lasts 24 months and starts in 01-11-2021 and ends 01-11-2023
Our partners are
Colegiul''Gheorghe Tatarescu'' - Romania -Coordinator
Isparta Uygulamali Bilimler Universitesi - Turkey
Isparta GaziSosyal BilimlerLisesi - Turkey
Agrupamento de Escolas de Fornos - Portugal
Joniskio "Ausros" gimnazija - Lithuania
At theend of the project we will have 2 intelelctual outputs ( one Digital Desk Application and an educational website and e-book .
We also share our activities on our facebook link
13-12-2023 TR -Isparta G.S.S.H.S
Today we have a seminar on Cyber Security ,cyber bullying .We have invite our local authorities and police department of Cyber security . Click here
We had M.E on 4th October 2023 .You can watch our event on our youtube channel.
The Multiplier Event took place in Rais Conference Hall on 4th October 2023 by Liceul Gheorghe Tatarescu, the coordinator school.The event gathered participants from different schools, primary and gymnasium schools, high schools, teachers, Methodists, vice-headmasters, headmasters, inspectors, teachers responsible in coordinating European projects, educational advisors, university teachers, specialists in digitalization, also who had experience in distance learning process, organizations. At the event we invited teachers, new-comers who wanted to learn about Erasmus+ projects. Also our international team project from DigiSchools participated the M.E, 2 teachers,( one of the the coordinator project) from high schools from Lithuania, Turkey, Portugal and University of Applied Sciences from Isparta, Turkey.The purpose of this multiplier event was to introduce and disseminate the project, all project results (mobile application, website, e-books and YouTube channel.The agenda consisted in
-presenting the Erasmus+ DigiSchools project, implementation process, schools involved, activities, mobilities, meetings, teachers and students involved, project results, dissemination activities, collaboration and partnerships with local authorities
-presentations of specialists from Gorj Special Telecommunications County Directorate about"Cyber ​​Security and Ethics"
-Presentations about Digital technologies and pedagogies" made by teachers from „Contantin Brancusi” University
-presentations about digital materials preparations and how to use them in distance learning process, FCL (teachers and inspectors)
-Presentations from each mobilities from every country, the purpose and the results made by the project team, the website of the
-Presentation of the digital application https://digischools.euedumobileapp.com/ (R1) and the importance of it in distance learning process
-Presentations of the educational website https://digidistance.isparta.edu.tr/tr (R2)and how we use the digital materials, also the e-books https://online.fliphtml5.com/jvxsm/qrlb/
also in Romanian, Lithuanian, Turkish and Portuguese
- The dissemination of national consultations on European projects and programs presented by ISJ Gorj School Inspector of European Projects and Programmes
-The e-twinning platform and how to start an Erasmus project, creating a teachers network, the objectives and opportunities of the Erasmus+ program.
Participants shared their experiences in e-twinning projects and Erasmus +projects and the event was transmitted online on the project YouTube channel and by Zoom platform to the online participants.
In this video we try to explain what F C L means
youtube link
Here you can see some useful AI tools we can use in the classroom
Here we try to divide AI tools that can be find easily